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In a century marked by technological developments and interdependence, the need for a united front while combating newly emerging and unprecedented issues is more necessary than ever before. The urgency of most of the recent issues that globally torment and overwhelm humanity has been more pressing in the past few years due to the additional impact of depleting resources and climate change. The current advancements in technology pose the possibility that worldwide mending or the resolution of many global challenges is plausible. The theme of Hisar JMUN is “Constructing Consensus for a Shared Future: Embracing Technological Development to Address Global Challenges”, which proposes the possible resolution of pressing issues by embracing and utilizing emerging technologies to their full extent. 


With the recently emerging challenges such as rapidly depleting resources, economic recessions and, the complete disregard for human rights in militant areas to name a few, it is important to note that most if not all are a direct result of the failure to properly and peacefully communicate on a global scale. This is why it is more dire than ever before for countries to “construct consensus for a shared future” as the world heads in the direction of disrepair. If such global challenges were left unsupervised and uncared for there is no telling what kind of damage and long term issues it would cause for the wellbeing and continuation of humankind. 


In our rapidly evolving world, the wonders of technology continue to captivate us, offering unprecedented opportunities, but their allure is accompanied by an undercurrent of danger. The very tools that connect us and empower us also harbor the potential to disrupt and manipulate the fabric of society. The realms of politics and governance are no exception, as the digital landscape becomes an arena where information and discourse can be twisted, rendering even the most crucial decisions vulnerable.


The ability of a single computer to run multibillion dollar businesses in the near future predicts a day when technological brilliance will compete with conventional force. The effect of coding has surpassed the damage of bullets as innovation pulls us ahead, highlighting a paradigm shift in which power is harnessed through lines of digital genius.


“Constructing Consensus for a Shared Future” is a key part of the theme when it comes to planning a future where countries are going to be primarily codependent. As previously mentioned, resource depletion is a major issue and will continue to be a major threat to the advancement and continuation of humanity. If countries begin to address said issues and start forging a path where consensus is built for a peaceful and interconnected world while utilizing advancing technology, humanity will greatly benefit. 


For this very reason it is key for the younger and future generations to be well informed on global challenges as well as technological developments. It is up to future world leaders to incorporate technological advancements into the future of humanity and accept the inevitable codependency and interconnectedness planet earth faces when it comes to future building. 


As we approach the fascinating yet ominous chapter of the world, We understand that shaping world leaders for the future is a very important task. To further engage and motivate Young world leaders, Hisar JMUN 2024 will include keynote speakers, events, and networking activities. That will spark interests in students' minds and shape them for the future.

Roy Nahmiyas
President of the General Assembly

Sibel Kelly Kuvvet
President of the Special Assembly

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